- Shemagh shawl, i.e. a military and desert scarf. The inspiration was the shawl of a soldier of the "Telemark" battalion, who was killed in Afghanistan.

Shemagh shawl, i.e. a military and desert scarf. Perfect for outdoor activities, including cycling or motorcycling. Protects against cold, wind and sand.
The history of this model is extremely unique - the M-TAC designers drew inspiration for its creation from a well-known video of Norwegian soldiers in Afghanistan. The death of a soldier of the "Telemark" battalion, who lost his life as a result of a landmine explosion, provoked the appearance of a patch on uniforms with the inscription "Jokke - we will never forget". The character of Claes Joachim "Jokke" Olson is also associated with the cry "TILL VALHALL", shouted by the commander of the deceased soldier during the funeral ceremony.
Created by: Sharg®