BR-2 (Paddle) Fobus type holster PRH. For pistols. Beretta: 92F and 96 without mounting rail (except Brigadier, Vertec, Elite). Taurus: full size PT92CS and PT99. Feg: P9R. Right-handed version.
BR-2 RT (Roto) open holster Fobus type PRH. For pistols. Beretta: 92F and 96 without mounting rail (except Brigadier, Vertec, Elite). Taurus: full size PT92CS and PT99 without mounting rail. Feg: P9R. Right-handed version...
GL-2 ND (Paddle) Fobus open holster - right. To Glock: 17,19,22,23,31,32,34,35,41. ND / Evolution-2 a new generation with an additional bolt at the bow regulating the pressure of the holster.
GL-2 SH RT (Roto) tactical open holster Fobus type SH - right. The SH series is all about safety. The Trigger Guard Locking System solves the problem of safe carrying and drawing of weapons. For Glock pistols: 17, 19, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 35.
3901-G (Mini Paddle) Fobus single open pouch for 9mm and .40 double-row pistol magazine. For 45 mm wide belt. For Glock pistols: 17, 19, 22, 23, 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38 and 39. H&K: USP and USP Compact.
Extended Muzzle Break, extended and contoured barrel exit is a solution that improves the comfort of use. Muzzle break makes the windcheater easier to pull, improves its balance and further increases the length of the barrel. Finished with a ½" UNF.
Inner holster open Fobus, right. Type FIT-SPECIFIC IWB. The GLC is the world's first ergonomically designed IWB holster. Designed for hidden carrying inside the pants, the low profile makes it easy to hide the weapon. For Glock pistols 17,19,22,23,26,27.