- Optional glass breaking head from the Czech company ESP for expandable batons. Easy and quick to install. The stopper is used in the case of force entry through glass surfaces into objects and vehicles during police or emergency services.

BWB-01 optional window breaker from the Czech company ESP designed for telescopic batons with a hardened steel tip. Easy and quick to install. Used in the event of force entry through glass surfaces into objects and vehicles during police or emergency services. The head is made of high quality hardened steel, inside of which there is a plastic fastening element.
Holder - optional holster (#BWBH-01) in black nylon with Metal Clip mount.
Technical specification:
Product number: BWB-01
Name: ESP Special Impact Ending – Baton Window Breaker
Dimensions: 48 mm x 56 mm / 1.89" x 2.20"
Weight: 230.0 g / 8.11 oz
Material: Hardened Steel
Producer: ESP (Euro Security Products), Czech Republic
Created by Sharg® Company