- Match Diabolo Light Weight Test is seven samples of pistol pellets in cal. 4.49-4.5mm in one package. The set allows the selection of shots in terms of type, caliber, weight. Six different blade pellets with a flat face.

Match Diabolo Light Weight .177 seven diabolo samples in calibers: 4.49 - 4.5 mm in one package. A test kit prepared in such a way enables testing and selection of shots in terms of type, caliber and weight for your pneumatic riffle. Six different disc pellets with a flat front Green Match Diabolo and Straton, excellent Pointed type ammunition. All pellets with smooth goblets, without knurling.
Packing of 350 pieces (7x50 pieces):
Green Match Light Weight: cal. 4.49 mm, weight 0.475 g / 7.33 gr
Green Match Light Weight: cal. 4.50 mm, weight 0.475 g / 7.33 gr
Green Match Light Weight: cal. 4.51 mm, weight 0.475 g / 7.33 gr
Green Match Middle Weight: cal. 4.49 mm, weight 0.500 g / 7.72 gr
Green Match Middle Weight: cal. 4.50 mm, weight 0.500 g / 7.72 gr
Green Match Middle Weight: cal. 4.51 mm, weight 0.500 g / 7.72 gr
Straton Diabolo cal. 4.50 mm, weight 0.535 g / 8.26 gr
Created by: Sharg® Company - direct importer